when those cartoons were published in Denmark I remember people in Pakistan burnt their own trains and buses to condemn it. Some people lost their lives too in the wild protests across the country and then everybody was regretting that ( Burning trains and damaging Govt and public property) should have not happened. The same happened in Afghanistan too last year. It`s good that Pakistanis learned a lesson from it and they didn't repeat it this time when the uncivilized, full of hatred Blasphemous Film has been released. Though the people of Libya responded in a different way by killing US ambassador to their country and burning the embassy building.
Being a Muslim I too have the feelings of anger and was hurt to hear it. This should not happen at all. The People of west should respect the Muslims faith and the government and general public should have played their role. They all knew it and it was intentional there is no doubt in it.
Why they do so by the way? Many people have many interpretations and most of them sound logical. Like "It may be an attempt to just hurt and humiliate Muslims Or They are afraid and jealous of Islam and Its Divine teachings since its spreading and thousands of people are converting into it, Or they want us (Muslims ) to react violently like i said we did in the past, or Its just their freedom of expression and are fully allowed to say anything by any means against any one ( I heard from one of my teacher Sir Imran Wazir that you cannot praise Hitler and the holocaust on social networks because its a violation).
So what should be our response to such things or How can we stop it? One cool and really appreciated way to react is to spread the true face of Islam and the adorable teachings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Let the world know how much we love our Prophet and what is Islam all about. But How? See the next para.
In response to the abusive film by the Israeli-American person, the organization named "Discover Islam UK" distributed around 110,000 free copies of Quranic translation and text about the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for the citizens of London. A very smart and far better approach than the violent protests that are currently going on around the world. May God bless them.

Courtesy I Love Peshawar Facebook Page.
Whatever the reason behind these failed attempts of disgracing us are, we the Muslim should focus more on ourselves. How much we are obeying the teachings of Quran? We have forgotten the sole aim of our lives -to worship Allah. We have wrapped our Quran in clean clothes and we remember its worth when we have to swear by it or when the INFIDELS try to humiliate it. We don`t bother ourselves to read it with translation. We have left it to some Mullahs who at times narrate things which are neither from Quran nor from Hadith but are meant to either spread hatred amongst ourselves so that we consult him every time or because he is paid for it(FATWAS).
The point is we cannot do anything practically to stop them doing so. The only way is to preach it. By the way after 9/11 more people in US converted into islam. why? Because they started reading it that " is it really the teaching of Islam and Jihad to kill innocent people like this ?" They started to find it in Hadith and Quran which was not there at all. But the true, powerful and logical verses of God forced them to accept Islam.
I wish we were capable of making an international standard movie in which we could have showed how much we love the then their Prophet Jesus( whom they believe is the son of God).
Good job boy!!
ReplyDeleteOk i agree upto some extent but not fully, there may be alot of reasons behind this blasphemous act, some of them were pointed out but the most authentic in my opinion z that, they just want to check how Muslim reacts. If they have real issues from the Prophet(PBUH)then they wud hav banned the "Tablighi jummats", but this is not the case because they are only against the Isalamic system and islamic unity. Americans always say that we want strong democracy in Pakistan and its clear reson z that it is against islamic caliphate system and they know the Power and consequences of this sytem.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion the violent strike against European is a good sign especialy attacks on their ambassies, so that they may not behave like this in future. Now they will feel that still muslims are alive.
During the last periods of caliphate, when the two super powers Britain and France held an insolence based stage play written by wultayr, at that time the last caliph Sultan Abdul Hamid(2) within warrior dress and having sword in his hand, summoned the French ambassador and ordered to leave and to convey a tough message to his country.
When both countries refused by saying that baning this show is against the freedom of expression, then the Caliph issued fitwa that:
"میں یہ فتوی جاری کرتا ہوں کہ رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی شان میں گستاخی ایک حملہ تصور کیا جاے گا اس پر میں "جہاد کا اعلان کرتا ہوں
After this saying they not only banned the show but also requested for formal apology.
So a Muslim we have a glorious past history, we have to learn from that.... Its jst my personal view
The eminence of the Prophet (PBUH) is too lofty and sublimed to be tarnished by a crazy movie of certain rabid jew or christian. My point was instead of staging aimless, angry protests, we should focus on spreading His beautiful teachings and try to emulate the sterling example of His life. He was a mercy for the mankind and; let us try to be mercy for at least our family, our city/village ,our colleagues, classmates. If we are nuisance (Zahmat) for the creatures of our merciful creator and tormentors of the followers (ummati) of Rahmat-ul-lilalamin our protests carry no weight with God and His Prophet. They are just shallow slogans destined to evaporate in thin air.
ReplyDeleteWe are damaging ourselves more than them. And that specific FATWA was in its own context valid for that time. I think we cannot find no such order in the Quran or HAdith